Friday, August 1, 2008

A Goldilocks nightmare thought Brown Bear...... he continued to search for the perfect place to take up residence. He thought he would like the companionship of the wee bears that lived in the we went for a visit...."Barb, I might be able to wear that chair on my head but I don't think this is a good place for me." So, we had tea and a visit and will spend some other day looking at other options....the cradle? the top of the cabinet? We'll keep you informed of our travels.

Until we meet again.......
Barb and Brown Bear

1 comment:

Rachael Kinnison said...

Was he wearing a little red night cap in the picture of him sitting in the chair Barb?? He is just ADOREABLE......I think he needs you to make him a bed in his own little the ones above your table where he can watch all the 'happs' xoxoxox