We celebrate everyone's Birthday in our little group of rug hooking buddies. Last night was Mary's, (no ages divulged)and we celebrated at Kathy's. She made goodie bags for all of us, I made the cake....chocolate buttermilk with peanut butter frosting, Rose made a baked chicken dish and a salad of greens, walnuts, cranberries and goat cheese, Kathy picked up a loaf of Judie's French Bread and Steph brought a bottle of red wine. We had such a good time together,as always. We started laughing as soon as we sat down to eat and didn't stop until it was time to leave. A second bottle of red wine appeared and while I can't tell you what we spent the night laughing about, I can tell you my cheeks hurt by the end of the night. We get to do it all over again the end of February......I can't wait.