Here's where we will be next weekend. Hope you can stop by and say hello.
2nd Annual Long Island Fleece & Fiber Fair
Saturday, May 21, 2011 at Hallockville Museum Farm
6038 Sound Avenue, Riverhead, N.Y. 11901
631-298-5292 hallockv@optonline.net
10 am til 5 pm...in the event of heavy rain it will be postponed until Sunday.
The Long Island Fleece & Fiber Fair is a one-of-a-kind event on Long Island that brings together the diversity of fiber arts activities! Visitors will learn and experience how local artisans craft wool and other animal fiber into beautiful finished pieces of clothing and art. The fair provides a fun-filled day of demonstrations and hands-on learning.
My Americana Sheep Pincushion will be available for purchase there, in my Etsy Shop or email me thimblefolk@comcast.net