....and boy was he dusty. It's cleaning time here now that the sewing is done for a few weeks. I finally cleared my dining table which has been a work table 24/7 for the past 5 months and there he was. Hiding behind piles of wool and baskets of tool and boxes of patterns...it's good to see his face again. He's nice and clean now, however, I have been getting a few complaints from some of the other residents.

The little rag doll in the photo above seems to be having an asthma attack because the dust is so thick up there, the dogs look like they are turning grey. And then there is Jolly in the photo below who looks like he's got a frosting on his hat and shoes.....hold tight, kids. I'll be there with the vacuum soon.

The tree still isn't trimmed...the "Hookers" ( our little rug hooking group) are coming Tuesday night for our annual Christmas get together. Though I think I need another month to clean the way I want to , I only have another day to get it all done and bake a birthday cake. So, till I'm done...................